Project MY TREES

What is the content of MY TREES project?

The MY TREES project is a unique opportunity for everyone who thinks ecologically and who wants to personally help improve the state of our planet. It’s also for anyone who wants to improve their financial situation. In addition, it provides the perfect opportunity for self-fulfillment and is a chance to meet a friendly like-minded group of people.


MY TREES is aimed at sustainable development of society and the personal growth of individuals with a focus on creating adequate financial reserves for their independent life. The goal of MY TREES is to cultivate fast growing trees and to successfully enter the global market with them. Newly planted and ecologically grown trees at MY TREES plantations in South America will not only provide high-quality value wood in a few years – a source of income for shareholders and investors – but they’ll also help improve the landscape and air quality, while giving work to the local people. Those who support the MY TREES project by buying trees will grow their own investment and what’s more, they will also have the opportunity to gradually build a personal financial cushion that may lead to financial independence. We have chosen an innovative non-traditional fusion of modern network marketing and the “green” eco-business to reach this MY TREES goal.

More about the project can be found at MYTREES.GLOBAL

For whom is MY TREES designed?

  • Do you not care that the Earth finest forests are dwindling and our planet is drowning in the smog?
  • Would you like to help the environment and all living creatures including yourself?
  • Do you need more money? Do you even desire a financial independence?
  • Do you want to raise your life to a higher level of existence and give it a new meaning?


Who says ecology and business do not go together? It is not true! Industry, production, and business already have methods – technology and numerous ways to combine business and ecology for mutual benefit.

  • MY TREES is a proof
  • MY TREES is eco-business for Generation Y
  • MY TREES aligns with Millennials

Like the idea of MY TREES?

  • You are in the right place!
  • Join MY TREES project to meet both!
  • Help the environment and yourself!

MY TREES Foundation

We plant trees around the world and connect people who don’t care what kind of Earth we leave to our children.
A billion trees is our goal. And we will give it! We don’t just want to remember the forests once. Come plant with us!

That is why we established the MY TREES FOUNDATION. We can thus transparently coordinate afforestation projects both in the Czech Republic and in Europe.

Get In Touch

If you have an interesting project to share, please, fill out this form and we will get back to you.